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eAeB eCeD eEeF eGeH eIeJ eKeL eMeN eOeP eQeR eSeT eUeV eWeX eYeZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
FEVICOL mr +elephants 1, 16
FEVICOL pl111 +elephants 1
FEVICOL pl222 +elephants 1
FEVICOL sh +elephants 1
FEVICOL shoe fix +elephants 1
FEVICOL sr 404 +elephants 1
FEVICOL sr 707 +elephants 1
FEVICOL sr 998 +elephants 1
FEVITITE EXP +elephants 1
elephants 1
FINE'S SANDALEE +elephants 3
FIVE JUMBO BRAND +elephants 30
FIVE JUMBO brand +elephants 30
FOREST matches +elephants 34
GAJ KESARI +cup & elephants 30
GAJAPATI +elephants & stars 3
GAJRAJ +elephants 32
GAJRAJ +elephants & flower 30
GAJRAJ H +elephants & cup 30
GAJRAJ brand +elephants 22
GAJRATH +elephants 16
elephants 35
GANPATHI brand +elephants 30
elephants 3
GEMENI JUMBO +elephants 5
GEMINI +elephants 30, 34
GEMINI TATA tea +elephants 30
GEMINI beedies +elephants 34
GODSON TIMBER +elephants 20
GOHEL BROTHERS +elephants 17
GOKAL +elephants 30
GOKAL +elephants & lions 30
GOLD CUP +elephants & crown 33
GOLDKING +crown & elephants 24
GOOD LUCK +elephants 9
GUIDELINE +elephants 9
HATHI BRAND +2 elephants 34
HATHI brand +elephants 3
elephants 3
HATHI chhap bidi +elephants 34
HATHI marka +elephants 29
HATHI masala +elephants 30
HATTI chhap +elephants 34
HEERA-PANNA +elephants 24
HEM SOHAM SANDAL +elephants 3
elephants 24
HORTONWORKS +elephants 9, 41, 42
HTL +goddess & elephants 16, 23, 24
INDIA QUEEN TEA +elephants 30
INDIAN PANORAMA +elephants 39
IRAWAN +elephants 16, 31
J & J +elephants & stars 16
J & J +star & elephants 16
JAI AANGAN +elephants 36, 37
JANNAT GOLD +elephants 30
JE since 1841 +elephants 35
elephants 34
JORA HATHI +elephants 23
JORA HATHI chhap +elephants 34
elephants 31
K.V.S. +elephants & girls 5
KABEER dhage +elephants 23
KANAN DEVAN +2 elephants 30
KF 3 +elephants 35
KHEDDANIDI +elephants & fla 17
KING gold +elephants 34
elephants 16, 35, 36, 41, 43
KINGSGATE +elephants & crow 3
KINGSGATE london +elephants 3
KOMALHANS +elephants 19
KSRTC +elephants & circles 39
KUBER sandalwood +elephants 3
elephants 3
LAKSHMI +godess & elephants 30
LAKSHMI SEEVAL +elephants 31
LAXMI +goddess & elephants 31
LAXMI +godess & elephants 29, 30
elephants 16
LOKMAT TIMES +elephants 16
M +elephants 25, 28
M +elephants & oval 36
M MANNAT HAVELI +elephants 43
elephants 36
M.S. SALAAM SONS +elephants 34
MABESHA +women & elephants 25
MADESHIYA +elephants 30
MAHA SHAKTI +elephants 5
MAHABHARAT +men & elephants 34
elephants 30
MAHARAJA +king & elephants 3
MAKKHAN LAL'S +elephants 30
elephants 16, 38, 39, 40, 41
elephants 3
MK GOLD +elephants 30
MSS DOUBLE +elephants 30
MUTHOOT FINANCE +elephants 36
MUTHOOT INFOTECH +elephants 42
NANI KAMA MZAZI +elephants 24
NEEMFACT +elephants 5
NTC +crown & elephants 30
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